Regards Trading SPY 0 DTE be like

    Posted by Nero23x


    1. Grand-Paper-182 on

      That was me today, started buying on the dip on PLTR 0DTE, kept buying as it falls kept buying kept buying kept buying kept buying to dca. All gains for the week wiped. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    2. HorrorInvestigator63 on

      I feel like i should just sell after 1 good 3 min tick which may possibly be my new rule. S/

    3. HorrorInvestigator63 on

      I feel like i should just sell after 1 good 3 min tick which may possibly be my new rule. S/

    4. Confident_Fondant_2 on

      The dip to 562-561 then sold with -120lose great start to morning then back to 562 I wait for 1hr buy then dip to 561 👁️👄👁️bough put then went to 562 🤌 thank god it’s expire Monday👁️🫦👁️

    5. WidepeepoHighHey on

      thank god yesterday my greed didn’t take over, bought calls at open, doubled down on almost every dip and sold at almost the top 562.85 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

      But I admit for a moment I was about to go full regard mode and hold my 0dtes until ATH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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