A guy I work with who is a day trader and made a couple million on snap chat told me about clover health a year ago. I started buying it and after a while had a little over $10k. Then this same guy approached me and told me to start doing my research. So I did and found that clover health had a great team, awesome AI program, are profitable, and just launched a gray sas program. I took money from my HELOC and put it all in… then the stock went up to almost $3. I’m going to diamond hands as I think this stock could hit well over $100 a share!!


    Posted by Icy_Interest6089


    1. I was in CLOV. I recently got a $75 class action lawsuits check from them manipulating stock and investors.

    2. I would sell the whole thing. But short of that you should sell your original investment and withdraw to pay off the HELOC and replenish your savings. I feel like this is a recipe for regret in the future.

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