Hey folks, what’s your plays for next week? I personally think this week will be a blood bath even with a rate cut coming.

    Rate cuts next week
    byu/makg32 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by makg32


    1. The only thing I’m holding right now is a couple 555p’s for next week, everything else is cash, bonds, and VOO. If we have a decent VIX spike (19+) the cash will get dumped into SVIX. If it doesn’t but the market is still down a little VOO until October. If the market is down a lot SPY calls for 1-2 weeks out. At least that’s the plan in my head.

    2. I’d like to see a blow off top. That is spy shattering all time highs and then close to an immediate reversal.

    3. MediocreSushi509 on

      I’m loaded with sofi. I think it will make some good gains on anticipation. I will sell before the news.

    4. There are solid arguments for short term movements in either direction.

      As far as next 12 months, there is an Interesting article from Morningstar i will include below.

      Basically, it depends. Looking at the Morningstar US Stock Market Index, In 1995, the next 12 months were up 21%. In 2001, next 12 months were -10%.

      Looking at earnings growth, or lack thereof, seems to have some sort of correlation with that as well.


    5. I’m down 54% from my peak, but up 20% the last week… guess I could lose it all again next week if I don’t make the right call 🤔

    6. I hope it will be a blood bath because I’m holding puts since last week that have been destroyed this week and I’ve DCAd them a few times. I really didn’t think we’d get 5 straight Green Day’s and almost reach SPY ATH during this month plus the added uncertainty with rate cuts and election.

    7. BoboSaintClaire on

      Snap up some of my favorites if the dip is big enough. Hope that my SBUX put prints. You’d think the new CEO is pledging to cure world hunger from the market reaction

    8. Otherwise-Growth1920 on

      lol rate cuts have been priced in for months now… If the markets are a blood bath next week it won’t have a single thing to do with a rate cut.

    9. YamImpossible9698 on

      Bro the market is smarter than you. They priced in a 0.25 cut already. What they’re watching for is if they cut more than that and more importantly, what Powell says.

    10. MonkeySpleenFart on

      Some industries could see a bloodbath, but other industries that will suddenly get cheaper loans will boom. Question is, which companies will benefit most from cheaper loans? I don’t think it’s tech…

    11. I took a bath this week being in sqqq. Went all cash yesterday. Tbh I don’t know what is going to happen apart from it being extremely volatile.

    12. WSB seems convinced now that there’s gonna be a market crash so I’m buying nothing but calls. 

    13. with everyone expecting a bloodbath it is nearly 100% going up

      all you need to do is look at the fear and greed index and see that stock strength + breadth is extremely bullish while put/call options are in fear to extreme fear.

      it’s literally free money for hedges to pump this

    14. Definitely see the Japan carry trade popping up this week to destroy ports again. Jpy sank to lower lows last week and the ndq has been trailing that for some time. Guess what pumped without a care in the world. I feel like we open Monday red just like last time.

    15. MakeResonableChoices on

      Seems like it can’t go down too much or go up too much. Looking to just scalp calls on sharp dips and not look at gain porn for winners I sell for small gains

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