Up $1000 on Google Jan Calls. Bought at $152 but like a great man once said “im not fuking leaving” until $185


    Posted by RandyTheTeslaBull


    1. Good job man! I was eyeing Google calls when it was at $148, but I thought I’d get a little bit more greedy for the $130s first.

      Not easy to strike when you did

    2. Tricky_Statistician on

      My thought was to buy the 165 and sell the 175. It’s 3.33. If googl ends up above 175 (which I expect) it’s an easy triple. You can buy way more contracts that way vs just a bull call. Sure the max profit is limited but you only sacrifice profit if it goes above 180.

    3. meth_sacfarlane on

      I bought 195c when it was at 185 a month or two ago

      They expire worthless in a week

      Can’t wait to never have to look at them again

      Come see me at Wendy’s. $1000 will get you a lot of frostys (or something else around back by the dumpster)

    4. I cant see how hedge funds wouldn’t buy this with the earnings yield being better than the 10y bond, not exactly a risky company to own either

    5. Bro.

      Holy shit.

      I bought GOOG calls but was looking at GOOGL all day. And went from profit to break even 🤣

    6. How anyone could be holding options a few months out with rate cuts next month and the yield curve unwinding is beyond me..

    7. Sorry but it doesnr make sense.

      How can you be at profit if you are 10$ lower than your breakeven point ?

      It doenst make absolutely zero duckin sense to me.

      Is stated there in your screenshot that breakeven is over 168$, how can you be up 20% if you are under your breakeven point?

      Options are so weird, they dont make any sense to me

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