Lost 40k, 3-4 years of hard earned savings for me. I’d been doing index investing till now and it was working decent for me. I was up 38% total before this. Got greedy and went after a risker trade.

    Hits hard af.
    You never know how it feels, until you do.
    Can’t stop thinking about what all this money could’ve meant in real life.

    To those who have been there, how tf do you guys deal with this?


    Posted by gwinsingh


    1. Man, I hope you’re doing well. While it is a lot of money, remember that it is *just* money. Don’t let this ruin your life, you can always earn more. Yes it’s not easy, but it is doable. Please talk to someone about this. Yeah it probably is embarrassing to tell people about this fuck up, but you shouldn’t let this weigh you down. Also, please get a financial advisor.

      That being said, this reminds me of an interesting and unintuitive probability concept referred to as “the just one more paradox” here’s a great video discussing it if you’re interested: https://youtu.be/_FuuYSM7yOo?si=Ynrz3L1-7OnCi7uI

      Good luck m8 🫡

    2. Was that loss on shares or options? You went from passively investing into ETFs for a long time and out of nowhere decided to yolo everything on an options play without any knowledge of how they work?

    3. Dude it was just a life’s lesson. Now you are smarter and more aware of what could happen. No need to be hard on yourself. Dont overthink that situation. You are young and alive. And have plenty of time to make some cash. Be grateful it was not a million and move on. ✌

    4. Next – spending the remaining 107USD cash ordering some good books to learn more on this. I promise my fellow wallstreetbets patriots, I’ll come back stronger 🫡

      Starting with Mark Minnervini. Open to any and all recommendations (books or otherwise)

      (VERY) Hard Earned Lessons:
      1. Don’t trade on someone else’s tip.
      2. Unless you’re okay with losing it all, Don’t Fu### YOLO a trade, EVER!!
      3. Always have an upper limit the on the maximum downside. i.e. gave a stop loss you lazy ass.
      4. Unless you’re into just gambling, learn and read more..

    5. You gotta get back in the game. Try not risking everything on one stock. Think about a sector you like and then research the best companies in that sector. Or just buy platinum and hold

    6. Too bad, not even enough to buy a gold bar at Costco to invest in your future.![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

    7. One thing about these apps is it makes the money seem like it’s just fake money. During covid I peaked twice at 23k and managed to lose it all. But if I just had mental clarity I would have realized that money is real money I could have used for a down payment or something.
      I was pretty bothered by losing all that money and took awhile for me to get past it. But time will make it not so bad and be more like a lesson and story to tell. Just learn a lesson please lol

    8. WrongdoerMore6345 on

      Wait. You lost your life savings on a WhatsApp group chat pump n dump now you’re asking wsb if you can sue? And asking how to turn 580$ into 40k?

      Fucking hilarious but also real talk this is a gambling sub and you seem way out of depth please go back to indexes it’s OK you have time

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