I am confused as to what I should work on.

    I feel the economy is not moving upwards and want to build/invest on a business that will do well even in down economy.

    Entrepreneurs if you were to wake up in my shoes tomorrow what would you do?

    I am in the greater Seattle area if that matters.

    What business should I start? Software Engineer with $100k to put into a business
    byu/SdeTrader inEntrepreneur

    Posted by SdeTrader


    1. Saving this for later, I have no money but I’m a software engineer who wants to start my own business and I also don’t know what to do

    2. I was in tech too.

      You can do 2 things:

      1) Start a service based company: develop apps for money, sell your expertise. Costs like 10,000 to start: set up LLC, hire someone from Upwork for running Google and Meta ads, run a few ads on FB and Google (total cost $3-4k$). Get your first client, develop app on your free time or outsource it.
      2) Build some micro-Saas. Some really useful yet simple solution for $10-15/month. Target small businesses and middle class that are looking ways to automate some stuff at home/work.

      That’s it. That’s the suggestion.

    3. I would expedite working on side project I am working on without thinking twice…and just launch it already.

    4. Status-Effort-9380 on

      I’m a business startup coach. I’d be happy to chat with you. Feel free to dm.

    5. You should read the book The Millionaire Fastlane if you need some kind of direction in how to get a business going.

      With that being said one of my favorite quotes from the author is “There is no fucking list of the perfect business to start:

    6. Interview leaders in more traditional industries about their biggest headaches and identify one which tech companies are not attempting to solve.

    7. Key-Marionberry-8794 on

      I will tell you what I want and I would subscribe to it. I want to know every city data in one place for total cost of living. salary for every job and every tax rate and property values and rent and cost of groceries and cost of transportation and market value of every automobile and cost of meals out and cost of haircuts and cost of daycare and what veterinarians charge and what a facial costs and what a massage costs and how much home repairs are and insurance rates and crime statistics and weather etc etc etc Then I want all that data to be historic and predict future trends and growth rate and what industries are there and coming there of course on top of demographics and trends in demographics and predicting migratory patterns… I want to know instantly if I moved from x to x what my life would look like right now and 5 years from now and so on … feel free to tell me I’m crazy lol

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