I was t-boned yesterday afternoon driving down the road. The other driver was cited for failure to yield while turning left, and was at fault for the incident. My car had to be towed away and was undriveable. Our other car is in the shop, I was literally picking my husband up from the shop so it could be fixed. We are now 100% without a car unless we get a rental. I have not called my insurance because I have been told in the past to do everything through the other persons insurance since they’re at fault. If I report to my insurance company then I could potentially have higher rates or get dropped…even if I am not at fault. Is this true? Should I just call my insurance company? I have no rental reimbursement. I haven’t called the other persons insurance because I could not get it. It’s on the police report, but I was never able to speak with the other driver because they had to drive down the road to get to a safe place out of traffic. That won’t be until Wednesday at the earliest.

    I’m in Georgia and I have progressive.

    Do I call my insurance?
    byu/I_eat_all_the_cheese inInsurance

    Posted by I_eat_all_the_cheese


    1. Successful_Ad3483 on

      You wont get a car until 3 business days after the claim is reported to the other insurance company that is how long it normally takes. That is if you get a good agent who gives a shit with the other insurance company otherwise it could take more than a week.

    2. Hi there, sorry to hear about your accident. Since your vehicle is non-drivable and was towed away, do you know if it’s at a shop/tow yard/your home? If it’s in the tow yard, you would definitely want to call your insurance because storage fees rack up per day and it’s more than likely not going to be an immediate turnaround for the other carrier to accept liability as they need to do their liability investigation. If you leave you car in the tow yard, any storage fees racking up become your responsibility until insurance is involved OR you pay the fees. Insurance carriers typically only pay for a reasonable amount of storage fees. Reasonable is up to the insurance carrier, so that’s another reason why it’s good to get your vehicle out asap.
      With the rental vehicle, the other carrier has to accept liability before they could set you up with one. Some carriers require you go through them for repairs and then they’ll provide a rental and I’ve had other carriers cover a rental while my insured was going through me. Most likely, you’ll need to pay for a rental out of pocket and submit the receipts for possible reimbursement from the responsible carrier.
      There’s a lot of unknowns unfortunately, but that’s my best advice. Good luck

    3. Make sure that you did added all adults on your policy even if there not driving your car that are listed as non drivers.I was involved in a car accident
      The police hasn’t released the report or who was at fault.I believe the other driver cuz he t-bone my car it’s total and he didn’t try to stop instead he turned to where I was and hit my car.
      I was under the impression I was insured since March parking my payment so I was in the accident so know because I didn’t add my husband to the policy and said I was single because of his dui and I was told my insurance was going to be higher payment nevertheless I’m the only driver that drives my car and make the insurance payment they definitely deleted my policy cuz apparently violated there policy rule.
      And they don’t want to cover my accident when I was told by the representative that I shouldn’t have a problem if I didn’t add my husband to the policy and would put me as single.
      So i fell like this person should be accountable for this false information that was given.
      Where still waiting for the policy report a month later has anyone been through this before?

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