Oil Net Short For First Time in History





      >What’s even more striking is that, for the first time ever, the paper market for Brent crude is “net short.” This means there are now more investors betting that oil prices will fall than those expecting them to rise. This is significant because it’s rare to see such pessimism in the market, especially when physical global oil inventories are falling at a rate of about a million barrels per day.

    2. Cheap oil from Russia, Iran etc efficiently delivered everywhere and not tracked in the mainstream leading to lower prices?

      It’s election time it unlikely the US will start another war, changes in the oil market likely immediately after elections.

    3. As good as cheap oil sounds, it isn’t. With a crude price drop on the heels of a rate drop we will see a net slow down in oil production in the US, a net price drop, and a ripple effect of a slowing economy.

      Where is the glut coming from? Russian oil? Or Middle East?

    4. This tells me that the oil investors are pricing in a recession. Recessions are bad for oil producers. …and great for those that can still afford to fill up their tank.

      Calls on bicycles.

    5. China slowing. 20% of new cars globally are EV. Crazy amount of solar, wind, and heat pumps being installed.

      Not enough population growth to overcome that.

    6. AdPrestigious8198 on

      Oil prices dropping is very predictable

      What I don’t understand is why has buffet gone and invested in oil mining?

    7. AdPrestigious8198 on

      When the price of diesel starts to equal or drop below the price of Gas you can be sure a large recession is in effect.

      The lowering of diesel prices below gas means they are having storage issues for this product and heavier crude oils would be the best option to short.

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