I live in Herndon VA USA. I am currently in Denmark for week 1 of 3 Week trip , next 2 weeks Are in Italy . With my wife .

    I was sick with bronchitis prior to leaving on trip. Went to doctors twice and got 2 different antibiotics but could not kick it.

    Went to Denmark because I was supporting my wife who was scattering her parents ashes in Denmark to remember them with family in Denmark. Really wanted to support her even though I wanted to stay at home .

    Now I am feeling worse , in Denmark , and think it is best I go home instead of continuing on next 2 weeks in Italy . We fly to Italy wed 9/18.

    What should I do to cancel rest of trip and fly home?

    We have tripmate travel insurance via avanti.

    Don’t travel much and have never had to cancel

    I am 64 and unable to breath easily and can’t sleep at night , I am not getting better even with cipro antibiotics

    Appreciate any advice

    Advice on cancelling trip due to sickness – TripMate via Avanto
    byu/gokayaking1982 inInsurance

    Posted by gokayaking1982

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