Hey guys,

    I am working on my company since 9 months and i am planning to launch in a week

    But its been a month or so, but especially these last days, where i can’t put my ass on that chair and do proper work

    Even when i try, its 10/20 minutes.

    I can’t stop of thinking about it, its not that i don’t believe in my project, but i feel like don’t have the motivation to work, to get things done. Everything feels tasteless, i dont get into that flow state anymore, i don’t have the want to create things anymore, its just me rotting all day … even with the deadline coming

    I always have some weeks when it’s not great, where i dont feel motivated, i think its normal and part of life, but i feel like this time it’s different…

    Have you ever dealt with that, and if yes, how did you manage ? what did you do ?

    How do you deal with loss of motivation ?
    byu/ERRR777wah inEntrepreneur

    Posted by ERRR777wah


    1. I disconnect completely and go do things I enjoy. For me, that’s basketball, walking a bunch, eating food I like, catching a movie, etc.

      It usually takes just a few days and I’m back at it. If you find yourself in a rut for over a week after completely disconnecting, perhaps you need a deeper evaluation. A lot of entrepreneurship is a grind and if you can’t recharge quickly before you launch, you may be headed down a path where it’ll be difficult to find success.

    2. FrenchOnionSmoothie on

      I’ve been feeling the same way at work. Everyday is a struggle to even get out of bed. I come in to work and just stare at the screen, can’t think or do anything, eventually just give up and scroll on my phone. We have an important project due this week (typing this out in the office on a Sunday evening), but even that isn’t getting me to do any work.

    3. Hard working and putting large amounts of effort on something that may exceed one’s power can sometimes cause this feeling, it could be just a transient burn out, just take a break for a couple of days and things should get back to normal. However, persistence of these symptoms can indicate depression, and a psychiatrist should be seen in such a case.

    4. You need discipline.

      I teach people the same stuff over and over.

      1. Skills pay the bills

      2. Value….personal value is a softskill set everyone foolishly thinks they have. Discipline, honesty, fortitude, patience……

      Jim Rohn is the best teacher I’ve found.

      3. Time! This one is tough for 99.9%

      When you have and combine #1&2, you should find a product or service of value that you can bring to the marketplace. It only rewards value. It has no desire for your wants or needs.

      That’s when you allow #3 to take its course. Give yourself 10 years. If you require motivation, you’re not going to make it.

      Only 8% of Americans are entrepreneurs. Only 1% of that 8% are successful for a reason.

    5. nondescript-aGony on

      Hey there, I can recommend what I tried to find my passion and motivate myself on mu job.

      Be sure about what you do and be sure about your goals or definitions of your job that work. Otherwise, you can’t imagine what you are working for or what I am doing to…

      As a project manager, I’ve started to understand what is the description of my title in my project. After that, I learned about “What is the project manager?”, “What is the project?” “What are my responsibilities?” I was just aware of who I am, then I was motivated… finally, I reached the motivation and passion.

      Have a good and motivated life!

    6. For me, if I’ve lost motivation, I typically remind myself to look at the positive side of things, and I try to focus on what I DO enjoy as opposed to what I don’t.

      Keep in mind, I’ve gone though 6 years of cognitive behavioral therapy, so that type of thing is much easier for me.

      Now if I really can’t think of ONE single positive thing about where I’m at, that’s a sign I need to figure out what I really want and find a way to get there.

    7. CuriousWanderer846 on

      Ah man, I feel you. Been there, done that.

      Look, nine months of grinding on a startup? That’s no joke. It’s like running a marathon, and you’re hitting that wall right before the finish line. It happens to pretty much everyone, so don’t beat yourself up about it.

      Here’s what helped me when I was in your shoes:

      1. Take a break. Seriously. Step away for a day or two. Go fishing, hit the gym, whatever gets you out of your head.
      2. Remember why you started this shit in the first place. What got you fired up nine months ago? Grab onto that feeling.
      3. Small wins, dude. Break stuff down into tiny, stupid-easy tasks. Tick ’em off. It’s like tricking your brain back into gear.
      4. Talk to someone. Someone who gets the startup grind. Sometimes just venting helps.
      5. Change your scenery. Work from a coffee shop or a park. New place, new vibes.
      6. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Work your ass off, then take a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. It’s called the Pomodoro technique or something.
      7. Dangle a carrot. Promise yourself a reward for hitting milestones. New gadget, nice dinner, whatever gets you going.

      Remember, motivation’s like a fickle girlfriend. It comes and goes. Discipline’s what gets shit done when motivation’s ghosted you.

      You’re so close to launch, man. Don’t throw in the towel now. Push through this slump. Future you will thank present you for not giving up.

      Now go crush it. You got this.

    8. I tend to find for myself an unrealistic goal or expectation helps. I’m naturally a lazy ass person so if I’m going to pay the bills and live my lifestyle doing 20 hours a week I need something extra to push me.

      For example the last few months I noticed I have been slacking to a degree so I spoke to the wife and we have decided to buy a new house by the end of the year and I now have 4 months to build our cash reserves for the deposit. We have a purchase price in mind which is higher then anything we ever thought we would get when we first bought a home so I now have something to work towards.

      Sounds silly I know but I need something “extra” to motivate me

    9. I think, to get work done one has to keep oneself aligned mentally and physically.

      Take 30 mins walk in the morning.
      Do physical exercise for at least 15 minutes.
      Stay away from stream services.
      Say a short prayer.
      Meditate in between the day.
      Stay away from sugar.

    10. Any_Foundation_6517 on

      Got an offer for you. This may help you:

      EVERY single thing you consume online shapes your mindset, it’s who you become. I think most of us are starting to realise how negatively social media can affect us and the power mobile phones have.

      Me and a friend are currently building a mobile app that allows you to take 5 of your favourite people from history, and selectively consume them to shape your mind. I guarantee it’ll improve your life.

      Not released just yet but if you want to be part of the first 50ish users (capped so we can mould around the needs of the first 50) then please privately message me!!

    11. Cultural_Anxiety_309 on

      You got to keep grinding. Take breaks and then get back to it. It’s easy to give up and that’s why most people don’t make it. Be disciplined and get off your ass and get to work!! I mean this in the best possible way lol.

    12. Fit_Articulate_4006 on

      Walking is the best antidote that I can think of and if it’s been a really shitty day then a good long sleep

    13. Impressive-Quail-551 on

      Yes, like life has defeated you. Sounds like it could be several things from depression, to being burned out, overwhelmed, etc. If there’s no underlining causes for it to be depression related. Maybe you are just burnt out and maybe this isn’t something your heart’s truly into. The biggest one for is that I usually get so overwhelmed that I don’t know where to start or which way to turn next so I just give up and do nothing.
      Hope this helps

    14. Discipline. People are very motivated to go run until they step outside and it is cold. People are very motivated to go to the gym until they don’t have a good night sleep. Motivation isn’t enough.

      That being said, as a man you should be lifting heavy things, getting some cardio in, and getting plenty of sleep. That will solve most motivation problems.

    15. You have to prioritize your health and mental well being. For my Co-Founder and I, it means

      1. making time everyday to workout
      2. spending time with friends and family at least once a week outside of our company and start up community
      3. Develop and maintain a spiritual outlet/practice with a supportive community

    16. AnAlienAteMyHampster on

      Keep going and it will come back, it’s natural to be tired of something that has taken that much effort.

      Think of the alternative, if you stopped. Would you regret it in the future? Would it be more beneficial overall if you did stop? Answer those questions honestly, in order to decide.

      Most of all, be forgiving of yourself.

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