The journey to recoup $63k starts now.

    Posted by coquirunner


    1. To put this into perspective I was running a very profitable business last 3 years and am quickly coming back to that so $63k should be easy.

    2. Did you learn a good lesson from your experience? What would you do differently if you had it to do over again? Best to think of this as a college tuition paid in the game of life. I too paid for an ivy league education in the game of life so I can confirm it’s not a big thing to worry about so long as you learned an important lesson.

      It’s just money there are plenty of ways to reload over time. This is why I switched to futures over options for short term trading. This way I can be right on direction and bot have to worry about theta decay. Also it’s best to figure a portion of your overall bankroll for short term risky trades rather than betting it all. I focus on 20% of my portfolio rather than 100%. Easier to survive the swings.

      On the bright side you’ll have some capital gains tax write offs to look forward to in the future. If you have no gains then you get to write off a max of $3k every year. If you have up to $63k worth of capital gains you can write it off completely paying no taxes on that amount. You can carry forward those write offs indefinitely.

    3. How do you morans get $60k to invest with and not know about buying and holding shares? How do you genuinely lose that much of your account?

    4. So you risked 99% of your account on an all or nothing gamble….and you lost it all….cool….next…

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