Does anyone trade unusual options activity successfully? Meaning not just one offs but successfully month over month? Would be interested in what works, does not work. Thoughts in general. Or if unusual options activity is a old school strategy that does not work.

    Does anyone trade unusual options activity successfully?
    byu/spicermatthews inoptions

    Posted by spicermatthews

    1 Comment

    1. I am a huge proponent of unusual activity, but I think the term `unusual` is not the right term here. It’s very subjective and gets thrown around a lot.

      I think instead, the term `repeat flow` should be used which is flow where multiple parties seemingly buy similar contracts for a ticker i.e AAPL 200 strike getting 8 call orders and no put orders, that’s repeat flow for me.

      In my humble opinion, repeat flow has worked quite good for me over the last 4 years, but unusual flow has almost never worked consistently.

      I have built a discord bot for myself that I just call to see what kind of repeat flow exists right now. I call it 5 minutes into market open, and those contracts are usually great trade ideas for the rest of the day. (obviously can’t share any links here since it’s not allowed)

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