Intel scraps coffee stations and phone benefits as financial pressures mount

    Posted by Jimmyl101


    1. elpresidentedeljunta on

      First: According to the article it doesn´t. It replaces them with cheaper alternatives. Second: I get any worker, who is unhappy about worsening conditions. But cutting the dividend first and reducing benefits second is at least the right order of how you should go about your business.

    2. Postponing repairs and upgrades, raise freezes, hiring freezes, layoffs, and at the end of that list, the line item that represents the least amount of savings, the final stop, is getting rid of free coffee.

      There’s nowhere else to save money. It’s the beginning of the end.

    3. I remember something similar at dot com…they started to use cheaper toilet paper. A few months later massive layoffs.

    4. Wilbert_Wallace on

      The government telling other chip makers to use the politically motivated Intel fab that Intel doesn’t want to use is rather troubling.

      -Wilbert Wallace.
      Sent from my IPhone

    5. Bullish! First the 3.5 billion drop the military, and now cheaper coffee? Shiiiittt! Nana going to be happy! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Imagine everyone sells and somehow grandson become a major shareholder and pick himsel as the next CEO. And we’ll have our first wsb regard CEO. A true legend

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