The progress of my college fund money πŸ™ˆ

    Posted by Sweet-Bee-


    1. Confident-Sink5615 on

      Shouldve gambled this, trading without much knowledge is never a good idea. I did the same thing so i decided to gamble, it actually went better than just trading lol

    2. ThisCryptographer311 on

      β€œWorst case scenario, it all goes to 0… and then starts going negative. Deeply”

    3. Blissful-Ignoramus on

      Time to get into the trades! If you mange to avoid an alcohol and/or nicotine addiction; you should pull in enough to continue to feed the gambling machine.

    4. First 100% plus loss I’m seeing

      Feels like a new high score or low score just depending on how you look at it

    5. The funniest thing about this shit is you literally just need to buy a stock with a mediocre business model with okay growth.. and you still would’ve made a little moneyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. The most money you can gain from gambling in the stock market is infinite, even 10,000%! But the most you can lose is 100%… oh wait, guess I’m wrong πŸ˜‘

    7. Sweet-Shock5623 on

      Why didn’t you buy asts and chill? You could’ve retired by now if you had done that in April.

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