Who has time for caution? Why waste precious moonshot opportunities by only betting 10% of your portfolio when you can go all in and ride the rocket? Sure, the Kelly Criterion might give you some mathematical comfort, but let’s be real, this isn’t a spreadsheet simulation. This is the wild west of Wall Street, and you don’t get ahead by hedging bets and taking “sensible” risks.

    Honestly, if you’re only betting 10% on that once-in-a-lifetime trade, you might as well not even bother. The whole point is to make generational wealth, not crawl your way to modest gains. 10% gains? Enviable gains? Nah, we're talking about flipping entire portfolios here. You’re not in this for a “sensible capital allocation” you’re in this to YOLO it all and come out on top.

    And yeah, I hear the caution about that 1% scenario where you lose everything. Guess what? That’s the game. This isn’t some safety net strategy for the faint-hearted. Go big, or go home. If you’re gonna play Russian Roulette, don’t worry about how many barrels are in the revolver just pull the damn trigger. If you're worried about a "pending recession," then you’re already losing.

    You know what’s even worse than losing? Watching something moon while you sit on the sidelines clutching your Kelly Criterion spreadsheet, kicking yourself for not going all in. Because when your bets don’t land, you’ll be just as broke whether you risked 10% or 100%, so might as well swing for the fences.

    If you’re really that scared of losing, you’re not built for this game. But if you’re here to make the history books, it’s time to put it all on the line. Don’t Google “Kelly Criterion.” Google “how to live like a legend.”

    Forget the Kelly Criterion: YOLO Everything
    byu/JazzJazzRevolution inwallstreetbets

    Posted by JazzJazzRevolution


    1. Yup fuck that guy. What the fuck is betting 10% of my 10k going to do? 10% might make sense when I have 1m but until then I’m trying to 100x that 10k

    2. Yeah was kind of offended by that other guy. Talking about being responsible and making money sensibly over years. We don’t do that here. Mods should ban.

    3. itsgodsposterchild on

      I sent my mom screenshots of wsb gain and loss porn and she literally told me to full port because life is all about risks – this post just convinced me the universe wants me to full port allllll week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) car insurance, car payment, child support be damned

    4. You’re absolutely right. Had the misfortune of r/ETFs coming up on my feed and felt sick at the sight of all the ikea condo dwellers nitpicking over 0.01% in management fees. What a sad mediocre existence. Go all in, YOLO EVERYTHING.

    5. Yup. The moon has been scientifically proven to be real and have a real effect on markets. I am yoloing every penny on every full moon until I die regardless of whether I hav 50$ or 5Billion. Life isn’t about being smart and right about things. Life is about worshiping the moon and being a degenerative gambler.

    6. And here i was thinking the other was good dd im only a few words in here tho and this dd seeming better by the minute ngl

    7. I’m sorry. You want me to get rich… slowly and responsibility?

      Fuck that. It has to be sudden, and full of emotionally rewiring violence.

      10% isn’t even a legal # worth consideration. 😤

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