This is crazy I forgot I took a trade I didnโ€™t set a s/l or t/p but I did get auto liquidated thank mother pearl .. even though I had to pay $200 + commissions bought 20 contracts profit probably was much higher never doing that again ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Posted by Substantial_Hall3425


    1. AdditionalNothing997 on

      Nice leverageโ€ฆ $7M purchase using $50K cashโ€ฆ I guess you havenโ€™t been reading the posts talking about Kelly Criteriaโ€ฆ

      All I could think of when I saw your post is that if Iโ€™d put the same bet, it would have gone the other way and account would have been wiped out.

      But for now, well done indeed!

    2. i would hate to think about how this could have gone wrong well congrats jesus i couldnt do it just looking at the commas

    3. MuellMichDoNichtVoll on

      How is this possible for real now. Do they grant such margin to every shitmuncher on demand? Or do you have a certain networth? No wonder markets move like theyโ€™ve been moving lately . Thatโ€™s insane

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