i need to learn discipline every time im up $500-$1000 on these Google or Nvidia contracts i sell holding these till Nov/Dec


    Posted by RandyTheTeslaBull


    1. Dont worry about the money you missed out on just focus on your repetitive gains. Or sell some and keep the rest and use house money

    2. Discipline is realizing gains, not riding out speculative calls on stocks that have already seen crazy explosive growth during a volatile election cycle and an uptick in recession indicators, lmao.

    3. Then-Interview-8220 on

      Honestly that’s the right psychology. Letting winners run and cutting losers short. But I suggest trailing ur stop loss. Options are so volatile

    4. Icy-Subject-6118 on

      Incorrect. Historically you should’ve held. Going forward you don’t know the correct answer.

    5. I just started options I pull out as soon as I’m up$10-$20-$30-$40 dollars I started with $200 and I’m not expecting life changing income I’m just thankful I’m not negative.

    6. I was up 11% this morning on Nvidia shares in my Roth and sold. 

      Averaging down into MSOS and ASTS with the profit from that and looking for a Microsoft entry point.

    7. When you finally sell for a 100% gain, it will keep running up to 500%+ at which point you buy back in and it crashes

    8. WhatIsThisAccountFor on

      You have it backward lol. Selling when you’re up nicely is discipline. Waiting til they expire is degeneracy

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