Current position: Apple 217.5 call this week

    Posted by NeverYoloAgain


    1. Small_Desk_4344 on

      The current position has me rolling 😂😂😂 I thought this was a quit post.

      With that being said, you’re only down if you stop. You’re about to hit it big!

    2. First glance: Yikes, $66k loss. Big but not insurmountable.

      Second glance: oh, the carry over from the previous year of $140k in losses. Homeboi has an addiction.

      Third glance: Current position of AAPL calls. Lmaooo this guy doesn’t learn. He is the ultimate regard.

    3. Looks like speculative investments are not for you. I’d recommend you switch paths to reality TV and then online-troll your way to a run in politics.

    4. Sure i lost about 5k and realized i cant trade then i started dumping into ling term investing and have actually made money. Short term stuff should be avoided for most ppl

    5. 1stThrowawayDave on

      I dont know how to read this form, too many numbers going in different ways with no function signs.

      I must’ve not been paying attention when the school was teaching us how to do taxes

    6. ElectronicDeal4149 on

      do the opposite of what you plan to do, then you will make all your money back and not have to pay taxes. 

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