I got in an accident uncontrolled stop slammed on breaks no air bags went off. Front of the car got fucked up, but drivable. Brought it in $16,000 worth of damages car probably worth around $20,000. We brought it in and insurance hasn’t approved the claim after a month dodging the repair shop. Now i have to pay for rental even though insurance has been avoiding repair shop. Is there anything I can do? Also i am pretty sure $16,000 in damage is outrageous but i do not know cars so it definitely could be right.

    Car may be totaled in a 8mph accident
    byu/HippoNinjah inInsurance

    Posted by HippoNinjah


    1. Personally, I’d get another estimate or two. You’re not required to use the first estimate you receive. If it continues to be that high, I would ask the shop why.

    2. Alarming_Arm_6247 on

      What do you mean insurance hasn’t approved it. Have you called your adjuster and asked why?

    3. Not enough info here to give you any real meaningful advice short of pick up your phone, call your adjuster, and get the details that you’re missing. Every question you’ve asked here can and will be answered by your insurance adjuster, but you’re going to have to pick up the phone and ask. If you still have questions after asking everything you have to ask to the people handling your claim, and asking them for clarification on anything that you’re not understanding, then please reach back out here and I’m sure someone can fill in any remaining gaps. 

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