“I would describe the dinner as Oracle—me and Elon begging Jensen for GPUs,” Ellison recalled. “Please take our money. Please take our money. By the way, I got dinner. No, no, take more of it. We need you to take more of our money please.” 

    The outcome was a net positive, said Ellison. “It went ok. I mean, it worked.”

    Elon Musk And Oracle's Larry Ellison 'Begged' Jensen Huang For Nvidia GPUs At A Dinner: 'Please Take Our Money
    byu/Tadikif inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Tadikif


    1. I wonder how far they went after they paid already 10x the price. Let me take you behind Wendy’s now for a special treat. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    2. I just hope nvidia makes it out of this ai hype cycle still able to produce decent gaming cards.  First btc now this

    3. Grown men begging other grown men for chips, in the dot com bubble we never had this.

      So this bubble will be 10000x bigger than dotcom

    4. This gives me hope in the world:

      For once, money can’t buy everything!

      The true definition of power is not being able to buy your way out of a situation, but being able to say no.

      We can always choose to say Yes, which is often easier.

      But no matter what happens, we say no! Thats true power.

    5. Is it called begging for something if you’re offering to pay?

      I think most people call that a normal business transaction being negotiated, you don’t say “that woman was BEGGING for groceries at the supermarket, ‘please take my money!”

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