• US retail sale numbers rose and are set to rise higher with the holiday season
    • Unemployment numbers are 4.2, falling from 4.3 a month earlier
    • Even richer segments like Uber, DD, and Instacart revenues are at an all-time high
    • We are set for a rate-cut cycle that will add more steroids to the economy

    All this means only 1 thing — the recession is canceled, "at least for the time being".

    Unless you are Canadian, of course. Then you are f*ked.

    US Recession is cancelled!
    byu/blackSwanCan inwallstreetbets

    Posted by blackSwanCan


    1. takeitsleazy316 on

      Cancelled for today, could be back on by lunch, then recancelled, then in full force tomorrow, only for it to be cancelled by Thursday then Friday officially announced

    2. Yes, they totally won’t revise the jobs report down like they have done the past eleventy billion times.

    3. Unemployment dropped 0.2% and it caused the number to round down. Let’s not get carried away, it will be higher on the next report.

    4. What about Buffets indicator (Market Cap to GDP). And what about yield curve un-inverting now that rates are going to come down? 👀

    5. KillingCountChocula on

      You realize when the Fed cut rates in 2001 the unemployment rate was the same level it is now. Even when they did the same in 2007 it was still only 4.7%. Unemployment kept rising due to the interest rate hikes from the previous years taking effect. The labor market isn’t doing a 180 just because of a .25 cut or even if they slashed rates to near zero at this point. But yeah it’s different this time I guess

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