Initiative Machines (LUNR) awarded NASA contract with max potential value of $4.82 billion!

    Posted by ownlife909


    1. skidmark_zuckerberg on

      Man, been riding multiple 9/27 $5c for a month now, looks like it’s going to pay off. 

    2. You cannot make up how dumb I potentially could have been, I heard about the contract I bought in at $5 and was getting a little bit impatient almost paper handed my whole position today jesus

    3. Hell yeah let’s go! Trimming some shares at premarket, some of the more aggressive December calls at open, and letting the rest ride

    4. I was so close to cashing out my position at $5.40 today. A little angel told me to hang tight for a few more days! Voila Let the fun begin!

    5. Think shorts are going to cover tomorrow + FOMC with interest rate decrease might shoot this thing up higher?

    6. Spacecowboy2011 on

      Looks like time to sell stocks tomorrow on a high, and then buy back in once it dips for the long ride. Fantastic news to see!

    7. Is this a “Sell the news” event, or is it going to begin going up further in the days/weeks to come?

    8. Holy fuck. Holy FUCK. I was absolutely certain my 20/09 calls were positively cooked, almost sold today. Fuck. I’m not even American but God Bless America!!!!

    9. I sold 3000 shares 2 minutes before close. Going to cry myself to sleep tonight ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    10. MyUsernameistakenagn on

      Shoutout to u/Last-Ranger for telling me i am fked for doing a 20% banbet last week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271). I saw the contract coming if you paid attention.

    11. The shorts are going to be absolutely fk’d tomorrow. This thing is going to spike (before falling back) – millions of shares are sold short.

    12. Been bagholding and adding since March. Avg cost of $4.30…. Today makes me happy. Just might cost average up a bit in a few weeks once this goes back to $6-ish. Shorts punching the air tonight should give this legs for another couple of days though imho. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    13. What’s going to happen tomorrow? If its already 27% up, what is it gonna look like when market opens? Instant boom?

    14. Bought 200$ of this with random dividend cash sitting in my account last week and now I’m kicking myself for not buying more

    15. Oh shit i was just about to sell and cut my losses. Now I’m strapping in BANG ZOOM TO THE MOON!!!!

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