“In a Florida lawsuit, Trump Media has warned that ARC and another investment vehicle, United Atlantic Ventures, are planning an "imminent sale" of more than 18 million DJT shares once the lock-up lifts.

    Trump Media in a filing in that same lawsuit on Monday sought an "emergency" court hearing.”


    Posted by BandicootBeginning85


    1. About to crater? If it craters any harder it will be delisted by January. Which would be what should happen honestly, what a trash memestock ticker.

    2. Puts will print accordingly 🖨️💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵🙈

    3. It’s going to be hilarious if the $7.5 Jan 25 put I bought back in March prints, only down 20% right now

    4. four_twenty_4_20 on

      I read somewhere that if he had just invested his inheritance into relatively safe, long term investments he’d be worth way more than he is now.

    5. Careful with this one. He’s probably stupid enough to sell. But if he has the smallest bit of self-restraint and holds off while everyone expects him to sell, then not selling will actually cause it to moon. I’m just going to grab some popcorn and expect loss porn either way.

    6. Following typical inverse WSB post rules this means it’s time up on cheap long OTM calls tomorrow

      Goddamn nevermind. Jan 16 26 $100 strike closed at $2.70 today… Are people out of their fucking minds?

    7. Anyone else see that huge spike over $20 a few hours before the second “assassination attempt”?

      That’s weird.

    8. Or… a bunch of super rich people and foreign governments will pump the price so he can sell high and fund his campaign and lawyers. Easy peasy donation that doesn’t have to be reported to the FEC.

    9. Who is going to buy that many shares of a worthless stock?

      Foreign investors who want access to a potential sitting president, that’s who.

    10. They have never made any money…how do they even find this thing? It is cratering harder than Twitter, 😂.

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