'Twas the night before rate cuts, and all through the street,
    The regards all restless, in anticipation of heat.

    The bulls were all hopeful, their calls stacked with care,
    In hopes that ol' JPow would soon ease the scare.

    The bears held their breath, not trusting the game,
    They’d seen it before and knew who to blame.

    And I in my hoodie, the wife’s boyfriend on Zoom,
    Were glued to the charts as we sat in one room.

    When out on the web there arose such a flash,
    I closed my meme stocks, fearing a crash.

    I glanced at my screen, feeling jittery and raw,
    And there on the timeline—what I feared—I saw.

    It was Powell and gang, in a frenzy no less,
    Discussing rate cuts, the markets a mess.

    “Cut by 25? Or maybe by 50?”
    Whispered the bulls, feeling quite nifty.

    But JPow just smirked as he held up hand,
    “You think you’re in charge? You misunderstand.”

    “The cuts are coming, sure as you bet,
    But inflation’s a beast we haven’t tamed yet.”

    And I groaned as I watched, knowing what he would say,
    “You’ll buy the dip, but your gains fade away.”

    I stood by my screen, my face filled with doubt,
    "How can I win if he bails markets out?”

    He laughed as he left, and I knew in that flash,
    That even with rate cuts, I'd still lose my cash.

    So I sat down again, hand on my head,
    I’m just a regard, and Powell’s in our bed.

    'Twas the Night Before Rate Cuts
    byu/Tahmeed09 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Tahmeed09


    1. I love cruising around this sub reading the comments, but I never understood where the wife’s boyfriend one came from. Some sort of polycuck guy who was in the Big short or something?

    2. Ok-Flatworm-3397 on

      Spy seeing -3% tmrw ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)

    3. Tomorrow JPOW will cut rates by 12.5 basis points just to fuck both your puts and your calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Twinkle, twinkle, market star,
      How we wonder where you are.
      Jay Powell’s meeting’s due,
      Will it be 50 or 25 bps to chew?

      Up above the world so high,
      FOMC decisions make us sigh.
      No one knows which way he’ll go,
      Investors wait for rates to show.

    5. lostfinancialsoul on

      hit me with the .50 JPOW.

      realistic prediction we get .25 and the dot plot suggests we get .50-.75 more for the year.

    6. What would happen if Powell told his relatives to buy puts on TLT and IWM, and then raised rates 2.5% tomorrow? Frankly, even raising 0.50% could make him a trillionaire within an hour.

      P.S., beautiful poem. You’re very talented.

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