All you need to know is that the strategy has been dubbed "Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership" aka…GAII P.

    I'll say that again, BlackRock & Microsoft will be engaging in a GAII P, worth $30 Billion…

    Posted by JPMorgansStache


    1. So it’s the perfect time to make 20 different AI projects and hope you get acquired by MicroRock for 527 million dollars

    2. Didn’t MSFT just announce a $60B buy back? Why do that and then raise money for investment lol?

    3. Wonder if Blackrock might be one of the rumored PE Investors looking at buying Crown Castle’s fiber business

    4. “*This is incredibly bullish for any energy infrastructure operator, like a Bitcoin miner, or like a $HUT, who specializes in different iterations of compute, and also is very focused on acquiring as many cheap megawatts as possible using Bitcoin mining as a tool.*” Sue Ennis, IR – HUT 8


    5. BRB going to make the most word salad beige pitch deck and get enough startup money to hire some third world labor to code the app while I ski Lake Tahoe all winter 

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