I'm selling a $5 put. This was my first time selling a put trying to get into the wheel strategy. Is my only course of action basically just to humbly accept my $40 max profit?

    Selling $5 LUNR put …. it mooned.
    byu/dukeofpuddles inoptions

    Posted by dukeofpuddles


    1. Also sold $5 puts hoping to be assaigned and get a lower average. I’m pretty upset because I was being a cheap ass trying to get in lower and missed big. But profit is profit, i guess.

    2. Have some balls next time, sell a put and buy a call with the proceeds. JK be happy it didn’t crash to a $1, selling puts is not a good strategy.

    3. theonewhoisnotcrazy on

      What does moon means? It’s not related to the mid autumn festival of eating moon cakes is it

    4. Vegetable-Recording on

      Yeah, I sold $7 March 2025 puts. Looks like I could hopefully reach my max profit! Or just buy back tomorrow to close the position and use the profit to buy more calls or exercise some 10/18 $4 calls.

    5. Hell yeah brother, nice job. Now onto the next one, build that profit over time, compound those gains.

    6. I sold some ING puts 2 month ago. Aim was either to get the stock for a good price, or get a little pocket money. Pocket money I got.

    7. Turbulent_Goal8132 on

      It looks there’s a pretty good short % on LUNR too. Hoping for a major price spike tomorrow!

    8. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      Selling puts on a meme stock is so funny.

      No one saw the +50% pump, but FFS why would you sell puts on LUNR?!

    9. Selling options is how I finally started making money in the market. A bunch of small wins is way more realistic than a single big one.

    10. Can someone explain, if he sold $5 puts, doesn’t that mean he should be losing a ton of money now?

      I thought $5 put means that he’s betting it will be under $5, and the lower it goes the more money he makes? So conversely going to $8 would make him lose a ton of money??

    11. I had a chunk of shares and sold yesterday to “free up some buying power” for whatever happens with the rate cut, figured I’d get back in in a few days. Whoops.

      (I’ll probably lose on whatever I try to do around the rate cut, too.)

    12. The real question is if I should sell my $5 call tomorrow assuming a gap down, or hold it until March to see if they’ll continue to gain momentum

    13. Personally, I’m going to wait until it’s right around the peak, buy a ton of it, cuss up a storm as it pulls back, and sell off in a fit of anger. Later this week, just for kicks, I’ll check and see it went back to the moon.

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