i got into an auto accident and was found at not fault. my insurance issued me a rental car. i took my car to a shop and gave them the shop info.

    claims adjuster hits me a week later at 2pm to return the rental by the end of the day or it will be reported stolen because they could not get ahold of the shop.

    i feel like it was just a bad phone number and they should have just asked me to re-verify the shops information. the place i took it literally has 12 other car shops all in 2 back to back buildings from tinting windows, body work, to full restoration.

    1. i will next time hire my own claims adjuster because my insurance didnt even send one out and they denied me full repair work on my vehicle

    2. how do i even handle a situation like this where the claim rep just instantly jumps to wanting to report a rental stolen before even contacting me about the situation? they basically waved a third degree felony in my face over a trivial situation that could've been handled better than it could have been. i only had 3 hours to return the car on a monday evening.

    what kind of rebuttal do i come back with?
    byu/hiyalll1 inInsurance

    Posted by hiyalll1

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