God Bless His Money Printer


    Posted by s1n0d3utscht3k


    1. All the regards this whole week saying “0.50 will never happen!” or “It’s just the media hyping everything up so the 0.25 isn’t big news”. More proof wsb has no idea what the fuck they’re talking about

    2. Now the housing market is really fucked. Young generation will never own homes. Starter homes will cost a million dollars.

    3. The_Juice_Gourd on

      First move is always fake. Also the second move is a double fake. Third move is real but only if everyone got fuked by the first two moves ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Read this morning a confident comment on this sub from a regard saying that 0.25% cut is set in stone.

      Shows that most here don’t know shit about fuck.

    5. Literally everything on my watchlist just had a huge green dildo except DJT which I watch for shits and giggles. Hilarious

    6. There is literally no way, what in the actual fuck. I have legitimately never been more sure of something in my entire life as I was of this .25p cut. Holy mother of Christ did I just lose way more money than I could afford to lose

    7. ZombieFrenchKisser on

      This to me is stupidly bearish. Jumping straight to .50% rate cut tells me they foresee terrible economic data and are trying to minimize impact.

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