I’m honestly curious considering the fact that if we did go into a recession that it would affect you?

    Like is the thinking that it would affect everyone else, that you would be spared and be able to climb your way into the elite?

    If this sub is about making money and most of you are not outrageously rich (you’re not). The best thing that could happen is a soft landing and modest economic growth moving forward. Those market conditions will allow you to make money, a shrinking economy is MUCH MUCH more difficult to perform well in.

    So please, tell me what I am missing, what’s the end goal of reacting to every single bit of news with OH BOY RECESSION INCOMING!!! Like it’s some amazing thing for you?

    I have a sneaking suspicion that you all have watched the big short too many times and secretly think you are ahead of the curve and are going to use that knowledge to make money…. As if every other commentator on…. This sub…. Isn’t saying the same exact thing.

    Why are you idiots so obsessed with the idea of a recession?
    byu/ridreforte inwallstreetbets

    Posted by ridreforte



      some of us wrinkle brains understand ‘normal market cycles’

      imagine you are a fit motherfucker that fucks like crazy … let’s call this your roaring age

      one day you stack too much weight and you have an accident .. let’s call this being leveraged to the tits

      now you can’t train as hard, so you get lazy and fat … and you fuck less … this is called complacency

      so you decide that it is time to stop being lazy, stop being fat, and you hit the gym again, because you want to see your pee pee again and you want to fuck more …. but you are not allowed to use that much weight .. THIS IS WHAT THE RECESSION IS !

      it is when you cut the fat out, cut the gristle, and normalize economic cycles to repair themselves

      IF YOU MANIPULATE THE MARKET as the Fed has done since the 2008 financial collapse and DO NOT allow ‘normal market corrections’ then you get depressions.

      Many of us wrinkle brains WANT a recession, and a DEEP recession, to prevent a depression and complete financial disaster on a global scale.

    2. Recessions are pretty shit, you won’t have your Wendy’s cheque to use for options gambling because your Wendy’s will close.

    3. WeAllFloatDownHere00 on

      You know the saying, the more you expect a recession, the less likely you’re going to get it. 

    4. WSB is a gambling sub for autists who think they’re so regarded they’ve looped back into being a genius but instead they simmer on low heat IQ. If you want people to be careful and considerate with investments go join the old corpses at your local library and discuss gay bear things like bonds and treasuries. The mission of this sub is to have everyone believe you can become a millionaire with a yolo put/call but the actual reality is to laugh at people going into a life destroying amount of debt and watch them buy a new Rolex for their bankruptcy lawyer.

    5. Newbiewhitekicks on

      It’s because we are young and want to buy the dip. We also know if a 2008 ever happened we’d sell a kidney to buy as much Realestate and VTI/VCR/VHT/FTEC/FSELX as possible and then get fat in 20yr

    6. EducationalHawk8607 on

      They think they’re going to be able to buy puts at the exact right time then perfectly sell at the bottom

    7. There has never been a moment where there wasn’t some idiot saying recession imminent. Every so often they’re even right and then we have to tolerate them prancing around for years pretending to be Nostradamus. Everyone wants to be that idiot.

    8. I have a sneaking suspicion you don’t understand macro economics at all. And I’ll prove it.

      If job growth is good. And gdp is growing. And inflation is at about 3 percent yoy, why cut interest rates?

      Or better yet, do you see any signs, based on the feds duel mandate, that the US economy needs more access to borrowed cash?

    9. You’re missing the fact that everyone sold all their stocks in 2022, have been sidelined and holding their dick while stocks go to new ATHs.

      They are praying for a crash so they can buy back in.

    10. flowbiewankenobi on

      You must have not been alive in 2008. Or else you’d know why a recession is absolutely necessary and the fact that there is no recession is a manufactured fake economy designed by people in power and already with all the resources to keep those resources. This is the death of the American dream as well as the #1 fact why young people will never have the wealth the boomers have.

    11. If there was a recession, they can blame that for being broke losers with no money. 

      Misery loves company. And no one wants to admit grandma’s inheritance is all gone. 

    12. Available_Web2155 on

      People want to buy the dip under a bridge with their pants down shitting in a Wendy’s bag

    13. Main character syndrome. They think they’ll beat the curve by buying puts because they’re special and smarter than everyone else… because their mommy told them that they were special and smarter than all the other kids.

    14. ThisKarmaLimitSucks on

      Normally, economies mean-revert. Booms don’t last forever, and neither do busts. It’s cyclical.

      After the coked-out stock boom of 2020-21, people have been waiting for years for the other shoe to drop. If it does, then that’s just business as usual and it shows that the economy is working as intended.

      If the market just rockets up 50%, and consumer prices rocket up 50%, and neither one ever drops again, we’re in some brave new world where economic cycles are fundamentally broken. And thus the economy itself is.

      Most bers here aren’t rooting for disaster as much as they are rooting for normalcy.

    15. Because I’m going to:

      A) Buy puts at the top

      B) Buy calls at the bottom

      C) Buy some idiot’s foreclosed house for pennies on the dollar

      D) Profit

      Any questions?

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