i’m 18. I’m starting to learn how to drive and saving up for a car. I did an insurance quote online so that I could plan my expenses far out into the year and discovered that my quotes were on average $800 a month. how am I supposed to manage that ? I was given the advice of putting my car under my relatives insurance but I’ve discovered that that is insurance fraud what kind of system is this? How do I legally get around it? I can’t afford that with my other bills, even if I could, I wouldn’t. I can’t keep spending money on rideshare and public transportation in my area is way too unsafe and unreliable. it takes forever and makes it hard for me to work more hours.

    how am I expected to pay $800 in car insurance?
    byu/vanillancoke inInsurance

    Posted by vanillancoke


    1. Get a cheap pile of junk car or truck and drive it for a few years. also if you live with relatives you beg them to add you and your car to their insurance, and pay them the cost of the increase.

    2. Well, if you reside at the same address you may be able insure the car under their name and be added as an additional covered driver on the policy. I think that’s what they meant, not commit insurance fraud.

      Also, have you looked at insurance brokers? They can get you quotes from lots of different carriers, many of whom you’ve probably never heard of and wouldn’t go seek a quote from online. But bottom line, you’re going to be expensive to insure.

    3. Accident or dui on your record?

      That high doesn’t make sense without an adverse judgment

      Know how to ride a motorcycle?

      Insurance for those is usually cheaper as you can’t do much damage to someone else with that.

    4. Try Suncorp I’m 26yr old p plater and they quoted me $2250 for one year of insurance with the road side assist and their claims department. Owns ammi 🤷🏼‍♂️ and are cheaper.

      Oh word of advice get a good quality dashcam if your a p plater as people tend to not believe you even when your innocent and people lie soo damn much and if your the p plater your guilty by default according to insurance companies

      DO NOT GO FOR A COMPANY THATS USES CALL CENTRES THAT ARE OVERSEAS.. it will be hell for you plus they don’t care and want to do things quick… no matter the result

      NRMA (rollin) WOOLWORTHS/coles AND AUSPOST USE CALL CENTERS … you have been warned

    5. I have two teens on my insurance, Progressive was by far the cheapest for me. Literally half of what everywhere else quoted me, and we have a WRX and a teenage son. We pay $350 a month for two cars and 4 drivers.

    6. You need to do a quote with every company or through an independent broker. Some will be outrageous, some will be reasonable.

    7. What car did you get quoted on? Unfortunately insurance is a major scam and it’s only going to continue to get worse. I sell cars and have closed many deals where the parents get the insurance quote and go NOPE my kid isn’t getting a car.

    8. OP, if you live with a parent, he/ she can add you as a driver and allow you to drive a car registered to them. If you’re getting your own car registered to you, you will need your own policy. 7200 a year may be correct for a young male driver on his own depending on type of car.

    9. Leather_Inflation401 on

      The costs of cars and car repairs have gotten so expensive to the point that a young adult right out of high school is basically forced to take public transport. So it’s either that, or drive uninsured (which is illegal).

    10. TheAdventureClub on

      You’re not. No one is supposed to do anything. You’re not supposed to buy a house. You’re not supposed to buy a car. You’re not supposed to retire. These are all things we want to do.

      I’m not saying you deserve to pay $800 dollars a month for auto insurance, but that company does not want to be on the hook for your risk for less than that. You could offer them 750 and they’d decline with a smile. (As a figure of speech).

      Ask yourself some questions. What is your risk worth? Do you know? Could you have anyway of knowing? Someone who gets paid a lot of money to try and estimate it believes it’s worth a good deal.

      Truthfully this is just a shit awful market, but I think the silver lining is no more people making it to 30 years old without realizing just how much it costs to keep this whole shit shown running thats for sure.

    11. ZombieJesusaves on

      Welcome to being an adult. It sucks and everything is expensive. Notice how all adults are always worried about money? There is a reason for that.

    12. Sounds like the car you’re driving is out of your budget.
      Part if a car payment is that insurance.

      Get something cheaper.

    13. What kind of car is it?

      That’s an insane number unless you’ve had accidents or speeding tickets already, or if you’re driving a $100k car or something.

      Are you sure you aren’t getting 6 month quotes? (Which is pretty standard)

    14. Call your insurance agent and ask what’s making it so high. Driving record? Etc.
      Shop around for better rates?
      If they’re still coming back high. Sell it and buy a cheap car.
      My first vehicle was a rusty $600 pick up.
      Down the road when you’re flush you’ll look back and smile about it.

    15. Prestigious-Tiger697 on

      Is that full coverage or liability? At your age, get a cheaper vehicle and only liability. Wanna hear something crazy? My ex wifes daughter totaled our Toyota Sequoia… and even after that her insurance was cheaper at age 17 than her 20 year old brothers insurance. Both only had liability insurance. Also, I was told that for liability it didn’t matter what car they had, it would cost the same. I don’t know how they handle the insurance of a transgender female, but I would assume they get the cheaper female rate.

    16. Infamous_Hyena_8882 on

      Pretty much at 18, you were going to pay through the nose for everything but health insurance. When you’re young and invincible, health insurance and life insurance is going to be cheap but nobody thinks about those things. Car insurance on the other hand will be outrageously expensive. Get an old beater car. Carry the bare minimum that’ll keep you covered. And get life insurance.

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