Sorry guys for the multiple posts.

    I just joined IBKR recently. Charles Schwab is the main brokerage ive been using. Today I wanted to trade 0dte SPY options. The cost on IBIKR was siginificantly different (higher) from CS and I am not sure why. Specifically I was looking at the SPY569P. The cost was almost twice on IBKR.
    I didn’t take a screenshot at the time but I just took a shot of these chains and they’re not as off but still enough of a difference. I’m not sure what it is that I’m doing wrong.

    Thanks in advance

    Posted by sunsgonnarise


    1. Your IB data is delayed (not live). That’s what the yellow background behind the prices means.

      You’ll have to sign up for live market data at IB if you need it.

    2. As mentioned in your other post, you need to pay for real time quotes in IBKR. Looks like this data is delayed.

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