I am mostly just curious.

    Long-story short, two months ago, driving in my neighborhood, I hit a parked truck that had literally been towed there six hours before. (My fault. 100% running on muscle memory, not used to a car being there while grabbing the garage door opener in the center console.) It had, at best, been side swipped, and at worst, t-boned. The driver's side back of front tire to front of back tire was crippled below the door handle. Mirror was shattered and hanging by a thread.

    The structural damage caused the front to crunch in and parts of the engine to drop out when I hit it with my tank of a car going 5mph. My car, meanwhile, only substained a football sized dent and some scuff-marks.

    The owner was… frankly, bizzaire… about the entire thing. He ignored my attempts to talk to him and give him my insurance, despite watching the incident from his yard and even drove away in a different car 15 minutes later. I left a note, ofc, and made my insurance company aware about a future claim. It took another 6 hours for him to send his teenage daughter to collect my insurance info and another two weeks for him to even file the claim. He won't even acknowledge me when I encounter him.

    I admit this was a new used car with paper tags set to expire a week after I hit it so I get being mad about two accidents in a short-time right before you get your plate, so I will give him a pass on the behavior, but I wanted to mention it.

    From my understanding of my exchanges with the insurance adjustor, he seemed to try to say I did all the damage, but my pictures (and fortunately Ring doorbell camera since his car was towed right in front of my house) showed my damage vs his. Either way, I have accident forgiveness and this is my first at-fault accident in my 14 years of driving so I am not too worried.

    I got my car fixed, paid my deductable, over and done with on my end.

    And yet… two months later, the truck is still in the same exact spot, with no license plate… (What really inspired the question was someone must've gotten tired of it being there becsuse the city came and issued a parking violation the other day.)

    He clearly made the claim so I am just wondering if anyone has insight to why you would leave your (most likely) totaled car on the street with what seems like no plans to fix it?

    What am I missing here?

    Edit: Forgot to mention the since expired paper tag has fallen out and been washed away by rain so there is no plate on it. Not that it matters other than why he was ticketed.

    Why would you do this?
    byu/Cautious-Soil5557 inInsurance

    Posted by Cautious-Soil5557


    1. SorbetResponsible654 on

      Why not call your adjuster and ask where the claim stands? Seems like they should know, not us.

    2. Who knows what serious problems this person may be dealing with? He could be overwhelmed by other things and really has no time or energy to dedicate to the truck. Let your insurance handle it and move on.

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