For Q1 TSLA earnings in April, I took out $300k in loans, my entire $100k in savings, and $140k in unrealized profit from other trades, and in total YOLO'd $545k into TSLA puts for their April earnings. Got shafted by Elmo and lost it all

    I chatted with various bankruptcy attorneys and short story, the bankruptcy courts don't take kindly to 'high income earners' (I make $175k/yr). The very short story is bankruptcy may do nothing more than put me on a glorified repayment plan. Bankruptcy is only an easy fix if you are already poor to begin with.

    Feel free to view my profile history if anyone doubts me. You will see all the bankruptcy discussions I have been in.

    Anyway, figured I would give trading one last shot to get me out of this mess, so started YOLOing all remaining money into Nike starting in July.

    Bless the gods Donahue was fired after hours today, I hope Nike moons now and continues to moon after earnings.

    I need Nike to hit at least $105 by 10/2 in order to pay back all the loans and re-establish my savings. Praying for much higher than $105 so I can be rich lol.

    Once I win this trade and hopefully have $1 million dollars (if Nike hits $120) the plan is to 0DTE SPY calls so I am even richer. If that fails, it is back to square one of YOLOing my paychecks to make it back again. /s

    One really unfortunate item in all of this is – even if I pay back all my creditors in full, my credit score is still f*cked due to all the delinquent accounts. (went from high 700s to low 400s)

    If I have one goal in life, it is to make the bankruptcy laws more favorable to gamblers, so we can YOLO and get a free 2nd chance to re-roll should our 1st YOLO fail.

    Nike Needs to Moon or I'm Filing For Bankruptcy
    byu/Even_Way_1779 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Even_Way_1779


    1. ProofByVerbosity on

      WSB employee of the month. All the best to you. I don’t understand the strategy. Making a decent wage, taking a huge loan and then doubling down on the gamble to gain a bit more than your debt.

      I guess flip a coin for a lambo…

    2. 105? good luck highest its been before the drop was the mid 90s. its up from 72 at the drop to 88 right now but….mmm good luck

    3. I bow to you. I am down 9K on my 90 9/27 calls and was pissed. You should be a top honorary member here. Out of spite (for myself?) I may bet on NKE again.

    4. I take chances with about $1 to $10K or so on options.. I would never risk all of my money, life savings on any stock..
      **No wonder they call us regards and gamblers!**

    5. Mingthemerciless757 on

      If you can secure 300k in loans you must have been doing something right at some time. Try swing trading or something with far less risk. I seriously wish you well.

    6. i’ve gone 100% in on wearing lululemon, everything feels better

      nike is surviving purely on professional athletes being forced to wear their products

    7. Man, I bought sep 20th 80c in like july at around 72, sold as soon as it hit like 75 a week before it rocketed to 85. Who knew holding until the day of expiry was the play all along.

    8. At least you now have like 3 lifetimes of stock losses for taxes. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

      But you’re an extreme gambler and i hope things work ourlt for you in the future. It’s just money in the end and you can make more without gambling.

    9. Dude I don’t get why the fuck people with this kind of money make dumb ass options plays like sinking 500k on tesla puts. Not a chance in hell Nike even gets close to $105 by October

    10. Man you are fucking stupid.

      You are picking on number on roulette, going all in, and then trying to do it again???

    11. damn and you didnt even learn anything, still hoping to be rich instead of just getting out of debt while retaining your high paying job.

    12. Jesus yeah not going to lie I’m sad this has happened to you but I’m also glad I saw this because I can see how bad this can get

      I genuinely hope you get help I mean real help and I’m sorry this happened to you but I think no we should all really learn from this instead of just laughing or meming about it

    13. Uxium-the-Nocturnal on

      Go back to your 12-step meetings. You’re deep in this relapse and you’re gonna need a hard reset. Call your sponsor again and tell him everything. Or get a new one. Maybe a sponsor at a Gamblers Anonymous meeting would be better.

      I’m 8 years clean and sober, this coming Halloween, so I get it. Hopefully, this has you feeling desperate enough to go back to the meetings. You know what to do, and I wish you luck.

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