China leaves rates unchanged. 🤔 Hmm…

    Posted by Chenz-Theking-3156


    1. FormerlyShawnHawaii on

      China is cooked and sellout condo buildings that end up being vacant. They’ve actually demolished completely built condo buildings that didn’t end up selling well.

      Don’t project any normalcy onto what they’re doing. COOKED.

    2. I don’t get how some people keep believing in China, not as a producer but in these kind of economic terms.

      They are super centralist. And if you think US or EU economy is manipulated or intervened… China is just another level

    3. You can’t compare China’s economy to the US, they can’t even afford a government bailout to finish their buildings, high speed rail doesn’t even pay for itself, local government debt through the roof, youth unemployment could be up to 50%+, foreign investment is down heavy

    4. FoolsGoldMouthpiece on

      I keep hearing about how they spanked western companies on electric cars, but what about Semiconductors? Biotechnology? Robotics? They continue to lag far behind in these areas for the same reason their economy is a mess. Too much central control. No room for innovation. You can’t have innovation without failure, and failure is not acceptable in china

    5. China leaving rates where they are makes me think we are successfully using the qt/qe transition to our advantage on a global scale and can afford to qe before china can.

    6. They have already slashed their rates. 

      Not every country follows the fed. Plenty of European countries as well. 

    7. This sunk one of my 401K stocks. It was doing well and then bam, into the ground, and looking at it, this is fhwbojlg reason. I’m just leaving it alone for now, especially since the other stocks are making up for it, but it was wild to see.

    8. Emerging markets cannot have this kind of move. Lending facilities are very immature and the root of its economy is very rotten. 

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