I accidentally rear ended someone today at a red light. I was lost and looking at my GPS. Going fairly slow, no more than 10mph and looked like no to minimal damage. We both got out of our cars to look at the damage but we were on a road entering the freeway so no where to really pull over. She made a comment about it being a new car and was frustrated (obviously) and I apologized. She got back in and drove off without saying anything else so I followed thinking she was going to pull off once we got off the freeway exit. She never pulled over and I followed for like 5-10 minutes. Eventually I was able to pull up next to her a stop sign and roll my window down and ask if she wanted my info. She waved me off and I apologized again and thanked her and she drove off.

    Do I need to do anything else? I'm super paranoid and was freaking out when it happened and not really thinking straight. I want to make sure I cover all my bases but if I report to my insurance, will my rates go up even if she didn't ask or get my info?

    Rear ended someone but they drove away
    byu/jlm792 inInsurance

    Posted by jlm792


    1. Routinestory8383 on

      She’s prob got some driving related issues going on. If you have her plate just hold onto it. Other than that I wouldn’t worry about it.

    2. I wouldn’t report it as you would have an at fault collision if you do. She waved you off, so she doesn’t seem to care, your car has no damage, no apparent injuries, no police arrived, no need to report.

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