RKLB Wins US Air Force Contract


    Posted by ADropinInfinity


    1. Look, I’m a pretty big fan of RKLB, but a $15m contract for a $3.6B market cap company… Come on, really?

      Not quite comparable to that $4B contract for LUNR, which previously had sub $0.5B market cap.

    2. $15 million? what are they doing, changing a lightbulb? I’ve never seen a government contract below $100 million and lacking a cost+ $10b incentives clause. puts it is.

      I’d charge the US Air Force $15 million just to right-click open up a spreadsheet for them if I was a private company.

    3. Damn bruh, I read this shit as $RBLX (Roblox) winning the contract. Was confused as all hell for a sec there

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