Huge Line Queues are Back at Apple Stores – All it took was a button and AI

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. Maleficent_Mall_7783 on

      Everyone who buys a iPhone 16 (and already use a 15) is a dumb idiot.

      But hey, I have Apple shares, so be dumb please.

      90% of apple customers are really brainwashed

    2. Looks like I can order any model and pick it up in the next hour time slot. Don’t understand these long lines.

    3. Huge_Catcity6516 on

      Them Asian people be spending their entire year of salary for a damn phone. Either that or daddy mommy’s hard working money smho. Imagine line up for an Iphone. It’s not 2007 anymore

    4. First day always has some level of queue at the main locations – but it isn’t going to be relevant in sales at these numbers and if you can still order and collect / deliver straight away it isn’t off to a great start.

    5. Apple gave me $1000 for my iPhone 12 to upgrade to a 16 pro. Ordered it Saturday, It arrives today via UPS. Line waiters are not well informed

      Edit: ATT, not Apple

    6. News over iPhone recently has been so bipolar. One article says iPhone order hasn’t been so down in years while another says massive excitement for new iPhone.

      Buy the stock

    7. Last year, there were no lines at my store. This year there was a consistent full queue outside, all day (I can see this from my office window)

    8. VariationConstant675 on

      A button to be more specific….![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    9. Seeing something in common here. All these lones are not occurring in America anymore like before

    10. I don’t know why this is surprising.

      The regular 16 is sick. The AI tools coming are sick. The camera button is sick.

      Im purely speaking as a consumer thats about to upgrade from a 12Pro thats perfectly fine and mint condition.

      This 16 series is the first iPhone to get me excited since the 12series.

      Clearly Im not the only one.

    11. AI will be a milestone. Recall everyone scoffed at NVIDIA for adding AI blocks into their GPU’s and look how that faired for them. For Apple it is even more significant. This is AI at “the edge” where it can add the most value in personalized experiences. Its evolutionary for Apple – the company that built its reputation on making a computer something anyone who could point and click could use. AI – 70+ years in the making – has finally become ubiquitous. And credit to Apple – they focused on security to make the capability robust but still private. Once they flip it on the rush to upgrade will be enormous. Its not just a product refresh – its a leap.

    12. So is it a flop like the news is saying it is with demand non existent or is it just like every iPhone sale? 

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