Grandma Strikes Back? Intel Shares pop on report Qualcomm has approached it about takeover

    Posted by eudaimonia_dc


    1. I guarantee that whatever her grandson’s buy price was just before the big drop, the buyout offer will be exactly 1 penny less. Just watch, you’ll see.

    2. It’d be funny AF if Elon wanted to buy Intel, I can totally see this happening:
      1. Tesla is an American company and is not within the same sector as Intel so there is a better chance regulators will allow it.
      2. Financially Tesla can afford to buy Intel if they offer with shares. Their cap is 10x of Intel. Intel is very cheap now.
      3. Elon is an attention seeking whore. He bought fucking Twitter for $44B. If he could get the fab businesses, he’ll be at the center of American chips, especially if Taiwan supply is affected by China. He also has a desire to build out xAI and likes to yap about tech. Having one of the very few American chip maker is his backpocket is extreme leverage and suckers will look at him like he’s IRL Tony Stark which is exactly what he wants.

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