Goldman Sachs’ break up with Apple could cost upto to $4 billion, says analyst.

    Posted by OptionsSage-69


    1. How the frick do you lose money on a credit card business. What kinda inefficient ship is GS running

    2. Don’t care whether Apple breaks up with GS, but for the love of God, please don’t fukin team up with Capital One, the scummiest bank out there.

    3. We have seen this news hit headlines before back in 2022. Curious to see how the sequel plays out.

    4. I dont understand. Credit card charge a fee to the institutions where it is being used. I hope they are making money that way.

    5. I can believe it, used to work at a large food market and the number of ppl using Apple Pay (who also have book bags with stolen items) might as well be a school bus worth everyday

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