I need to find a charger


    Posted by spinassss


    1. This is why I’ll always have paper hands. I can’t bring myself to drop that much on options. 😩 Congrats and fuck off. 😂

    2. Congrats bro that’s huge! Big gains, I’m regarded, did you put up 5k on this option and gain $180,000!!!

    3. I know I will never win big like this because my phone is always charged ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    4. Tight_Contest3015 on

      You bought when stock was hovering around $222. It immediately dropped to $216 following week but you held strong. Congrats

    5. Ig when u have that much capital, even the slightest amount can make you more than 2x the average salary of an American household 😂😂

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