Please no judgement. I’m already beating myself up big time for this mess up.

    I had a two legged option play on /ZT. A calendar spread.

    This week, we had a death in the family that I had to travel to and it was a bad situation all around.

    I put in an order to close the two legged option play. My internet was so bad and I mistakenly thought the order went through since it was showing 0 for position. But the order didn’t actually go through. Today I get an email saying I’m assigned:

    Assigned 1 ./ZTZ4 OZTV4 240920C103.25 2024-09-20 103.25 Calls

    My account is now showing:

    Contract -1
    1 Oct 25 34d 103.125 C

    I’m of course panicking. What does this mean exactly for me? It shows a loss of $1500 which I’m ok with. My worry is that it’s much more for some reason. Again I realize I’m an idiot, so please no judgement. I never wanted to hold it til expiration but it was such a bad week for me.

    Customer service is closed on the weekend

    /ZT Future option assigned at expiration, Can someone please offer non judgemental help on this
    byu/stopdogmurder inoptions

    Posted by stopdogmurder

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