This is how I got here.

    Almost a year ago in October of 2023 I went on a month long trip to Eastern Europe.

    Early in the trip, while hiking in the mountains of Slovenia, the idea of putting mushroom adaptogens into a protein bar suddenly popped into my head. I began daydreaming about all the possibilities for a company I would call Shroom Bar.

    Anyone who knows me knows I’ve always come up with dumb business ideas that never lead anywhere. But for some reason, this idea wouldn’t go away, and it consumed my thoughts for the rest of the trip.

    Throughout the trip I kept having the fear that this was going to be just one of those dumb business ideas , and I was going to forget about it when I got home.

    I got back from Europe at the end of October and that was exactly what happened. I didn’t take any action in the next month in a half, and it was starting to become just one of my dumb ideas.

    Then, on Christmas Eve, I got a little drunk at my parents’ house. After retreating to my bedroom, I started thinking about Shroom Bar again and wrote this in my journal:

    “Okay so I think that the whole universe is pointing me toward pursuing this Shroom bar idea, I don’t know if it will succeed but i need to start this shit asap”

    I then spent the next four hours coming up with this plan:

    Step One: Find a Chef

    Step Two: Make the bars in my own kitchen

    Step Three: Make a bad ass logo

    Step Four: Make bad ass packaging

    Step Five: Find manufacturer to mass produce

    Step One: Find a Chef

    I of course knew absolutely nothing about making bars myself, so I had to find a qualified chef to make the recipe for me. I did a bunch of research over the next couple of days , called a bunch of different chefs, and eventually, I found a chef out of Beirut Lebanon who I really liked, so, we came to a deal which consisted of me paying her to make a recipe herself, making the bars in her kitchen, then sending me prototypes until I got the bars how I wanted.

    Once I got the bars how I wanted; it was time to make them myself.

    Step Two: Make the bars in my own kitchen

    After the chef gave me instructions on how to make the bars myself, I ordered a couple hundred dollars worth of ingredients and cooking materials, and tried to make them in my kitchen.

    I had no idea what I was doing, and the first batch was a total disaster.

    By the fourth batch, I could actually make them start looking like protein bars, all the mushrooms inside made me feel amazing, and I started getting excited about the fact that this could actually work.

    After a few more batches I became confident that I could consistently make the protein bars good, make them taste good, and make them make you feel good, and I started giving them out to a bunch of friends.

    Step 3: Make a bad ass logo.

    Creating the logo was surprisingly easy. It came to me while I was working on my third or fourth batch of bars. After eating one, I felt great—energized and creative with all the mushrooms in my system (Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Turkey Tail, and Reishi). As I headed to work that day, the image of a gorilla meditating, holding protein bars, popped into my head.

    So, from there I did a bunch of research, talked to a bunch of different artists: found one and paid him to create a logo.

    Step Four: Make bad ass packaging

    This step was similar to designing the logo. I found an artist who could integrate it into a complete package design and make everything look great. Here’s the result.

    Step Five: Find a manufacturer

    This is where shit started to get real.

    Everything up to this point took about 3 months, and I started looking for a manufacturer at the beginning of March 2024. This step was way harder than any of the previous steps.

    At first I just started submitting quotes to a bunch of random manufacturers across the country, and eventually I found one that I deemed a good fit.

    At first, I paid them several thousand dollars just to adapt the recipe for large-scale production. After that, we went through several rounds of prototypes to get the flavor just right.

    The issue with this part of the process is every step took way longer than I was expecting. Originally I was hoping to have the bars completely ready to sell at the beginning of May, but by the time May rolled around, I hadn’t even confirmed the final prototype, and the timeline kept getting pushed back further and further.

    I eventually confirmed the prototypes by the beginning of June, and at first I thought that was the end of everything, and I was going to be able to put in the final order, but of course way more goes into getting the bars on the market than I thought.

    I had to pay for all sorts of different tests and services, and wait for them all to be completed.

    All in all these extra steps cost me around $10,000 more than what I was expecting, and took the remainder of the summer.

    It was finally time to place the order for the bars. I had already spent more than I’d budgeted, so I sold all my stocks, my Roth IRA savings, and my crypto. Even that wasn’t enough, so I had to take out a loan to cover the first batch, including all the packaging.

    In short, I’m completely all in on this—so here’s hoping it works, lol.

    The bars are set to be finished by the end of October. So, until then I have a website with presale available and I’m trying to get as many pre orders as possible before launch.

    Let me know if anyone has any advice going forward or want to talk in general (:.

    I just spent the entirety of my lifes savings on a mass order of mushroom protein bars.
    byu/TommyWalsh01 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by TommyWalsh01


    1. Also if anyone is really good at websites, I would love some advice on the website. Especially the pop up I have come up. Is it too cringy? Do those work for opt ins, or is it too in your face?

    2. It’s good that you posted this to get real time feedback. I am a potential buyer however wasn’t comfortable pulling the trigger because I don’t know how safe the product is. I would add some more info on the website, like the “info” section of your bar which is empty, to go into great detail explaining the steps taking to ensure purity, safety, and the testing you mentioned. Explain the effects of each component too, and the dosage in the actual bar. Wishing you the best!

    3. In addition to any social marketing you do, you absolutely need to pound the pavement and do any markets, etc.. so that people can sample these bars.

      Use those reviews as part of your online campaign.

      You absolutely will need organically generated customers and reviews.

      Once you have momentum you can begin approaching US based retailers. GNC, Whole Foods, etc…

      You bet your life on this, now act like it.

      If the bars taste good, you’re likable and you get in front of people — they will sell.

    4. It will definitely succeed it’s a great idea and you might improve the longevity of human lifespan. I say go with it definitely cutting edge

    5. I’m not an expert in the matter, but you make a lot of claims on your website about improving energy, focus, mood, reducing stress, etc. have you cleared these claims with an attorney?

    6. Well, if you can repost various times, then SO CAN I!!!
      Dive Bar Nutrition has awesome bars.

      The bummer is that they’re online only, but they ALWAYS have deals/sales going on. Plus, shipping is usually only ~$5.
      They’ve got great flavor, no Protein aftertaste, and don’t sit heavily in the stomach.

      If you ever consider buying some, use my code Dante22 for 22% off! If you want a direct link, then:

      Trust me, I wouldn’t be promoting these if I didn’t genuinely enjoy them 🙂

    7. Your 30% off pop-up when I land on the website could do with an upper-case B in the word ‘bar’.

      And I’d have an image of an unwrapped bar next to the image of the wrapped bar.

      Good luck.

    8. How much protein in each bar? Any interest in sending them out to fitness enthusiasts in exchange for video reviews?

    9. Dude the popup on your page only shows name in the field it should say email it’s confusing. Also you should prob add a delay for it to pop up 10 or more seconds after opening rather than immediate. It won’t let me add anything in the popup and proceed!

      Edit: it’s a great idea and I want to order some but see it’s USA only. I’m in Australia. You should prob consider getting on to Amazon once you get going

    10. Hi I work in this industry but in another country, so here’s some free advice.

      You should look into FDA’s regulations on Lions mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail etc. **specifically as ingredients in food**. From my quick google search at least some of these seem not allowed in food for sale, but I didn’t spend enough time to be sure.

      If they are allowed, you should be very careful on any claims you make. FDA regulates these claims and there are specific rules about what you can and can’t say. The below is an example of an FDA warning letter to a supplement seller of mushrooms, and if you get big enough you might come into their radar as well.


      Would be interested in hearing how you go with this – good luck.

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