How many trades do you usually make per month? I know everyone has different strategies, but im wondering how many trades you do on average per month..

    Also, if you can start all over again, what will you do differently?

    I've been trading for the past ~3 yrs. I still have ups and downs with no consistency..

    To those who actually make profits consistently
    byu/gamesdf inoptions

    Posted by gamesdf


    1. Zealousideal-Yard843 on

      I just learned to take my 25-50% profits and then reenter later. Options are so volatile if you get greedy it can reverse and you lose all your gains and then some.

    2. I get 3-5 setups per week. So 12-20 per month.
      If I could start again… I’d spend my first year just learning how to read a chart (price action and market structure – search those on YouTube). IMO if you can’t read the underlying stock chart, you’re going to have a really hard time becoming profitable, no matter if you use shares or options.

    3. Weekly I average 10-15

      Some questions for you OP since you mentioned you’re still having consistency issues;

      Do you have clearly defined setups?

      Do you journal your trades?

      Do you have a list of rules?

      Do you have a solid understanding of risk management and position sizing?

      If I were to start again, I would put more emphasize on learning about trading psychology

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