Soon to be 18 year old daughter in Texas; and wanted to put the car solely in her name. There is no loan.

    I am hoping to lower my overall liability but keep her on the family insurance. Would she be able to stay on our insurance if the title was only in her name?

    Would putting daughter’s car in her name have impact on our insurance?
    byu/bucket46 inInsurance

    Posted by bucket46

    1 Comment

    1. TheAdventureClub on

      Some carriers yes some carriers no it boils down to whether or not they allow blended ownership.

      In other words ask your agent if this question will come up on the application: will the vehicles be registered solely in the named of the named insured or their spouse

      If they’re asking, it’s usually because the only right answer is yes and you need to check someone else.

      Side note, having her vehicle under her name doesn’t lower overall liability. Your risk exposure is the same regardless. The only reason you’d be wanting to title It to her is to get her to insure it herself, but that’s not going to lower the overall liability just offset it from you to her. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing

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