About a couple of weeks ago my car got broken into when I was at work. Since the thieves couldn't shatter my driver's window, they stuck a crowbar to pry the window out.; they damaged my door, which now requires bodywork. I got a police report at the scene and started the claim process the same day with Progressive, hoping I would get it solved since I have comprehensive insurance. I got assigned a rep and everything but my rep took so long to respond to me and would give me the runaround saying since I was a new policyholder, my policy started on July 12th, Progressive would launch an investigation to make sure I was not doing Insurance fraud. Great, I then uploaded pictures of my truck the day I purchased it since I needed pictures of my vehicle before my claim. A couple of days go by and my rep calls me and tells me I need to upload photos of my damage which I do so and asks me what dealership I purchased my vehicle from for Progressive to contact them and make sure I am not committing fraud. A couple more days go by and I get an estimated payout from my progressive app, but no contact from my rep. I then got a call from my rep telling me the dealership I bought my car from did not respond to Progressive and for me to upload the bill of sale within 3 business days, so I called the dealership myself to ask for the bill of sale. Mind you, getting a copy of a bill of sale was already a hassle since I purchased my truck from another state in North Carolina and got it shipped to where I live in Texas. I uploaded my bill of sale successfully on Sept 13th and fast forward to today I got a letter from Progressive saying my claim was denied because my policy began on July 12th and I have not provided proof of the time of loss which I very much so did. The letter I received makes it seem like I am committing fraud, which makes little sense since why would I buy a damaged vehicle from a dealership in the first place and get it shipped to me? I feel my rep did not care about my claim enough since they were not effective in communicating with me every time I called, I got sent straight to voicemail.

    Progressive Denied my Claim, What can I do?
    byu/AdventurousMention58 inInsurance

    Posted by AdventurousMention58

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