TL;DR: Apartment gate hit my car roof. Geico's being unhelpful, saying I should deal with the apartment myself. They opened a claim against my wishes. Damage isn't as bad as I thought, but I'm stuck with a $1k deductible. Now I'm panicking about premium hikes and wondering if I can undo the claim without consequences. Feeling lost and abandoned by my insurance. Need advice on how to proceed without getting screwed over.

    I'm in desperate need of advice after experiencing my first accident (no fault). An apartment gate unexpectedly came down on my car's roof, likely due to a sensor malfunction. 

    So I called Geico, thinking they'd have my back, right? Wrong. They hit me with the "your collision deductible applies" line before I could even finish explaining. When I told them it wasn't my fault, they just shrugged it off and said, "Take it up with your apartment." Like, seriously? I'm paying you guys for what exactly?

    I tried to reason with them, saying there's no way my apartment's just gonna roll over and admit fault. Shouldn't Geico be the ones investigating this mess? But nope, they shut me down real quick. "We can't prove you're not at fault, and your apartment doesn't have to show us any camera footage. We're not the police, sir." Talk about a punch to the gut. Is this really what I've been throwing my money at all these years? For them to basically tell me, "Tough luck, kid. Handle it yourself"?

    After practically pushing me to talk to my apartment, and me specifically saying not to open a claim, I got claim number in my email. Now I'm stuck waiting to talk to my apartment, knowing full well they're gonna hit me with some "not our problem" nonsense. This whole thing feels like a bad joke, and I'm the punchline.

    I took a closer look at my car, and it's not as bad as I first thought. Some of the stuff from the gate even wiped right off. But here's the kicker: my deductible is a whopping $1,000, and if Geico's not gonna lift a finger to help prove I'm innocent, I'm seriously kicking myself for even calling them.

    Now I'm in a total panic mode. Is there any way I can just hit the undo button on this whole mess? Like, can I back out without my premiums going through the roof? Is there some magic words to make Geico completely erase this claim from my record? 'Cause I'm freaking out that they're gonna use this as an excuse to jack up my rates to the moon. I mean, if they're gonna screw me over anyway, maybe I should just get the car fixed? I'm totally lost here, and it's driving me nuts.

    This whole ordeal has left me feeling helpless and depressed. I have no one to turn to for guidance, and it feels like my insurance company has turned its back on me.

    Helpless about first ever accident
    byu/Powerful_Fish8706 inInsurance

    Posted by Powerful_Fish8706

    1 Comment

    1. You can’t undo the claim. You called the claims dept to report damage.  Their internal policies require a claim to be opened. If you don’t want to use your own coverage or your damages don’t exceed the deductible that you chose, then Geico can’t and won’t help you. When damage is minor you should always get estimates before calling the claims dept. 

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