Hello everyone any help is appreciated!

    I was rear ended by a f-250 dulley truck about 2 months ago, it took forever to get a claim with Tesla and even longer to get a response. They are the worst but fast forward after sending an emphasized email to them they finally responded but stated they are denying my claim due to them failing to get in contact with the insured driver… so that’s my fault??? What the hell can I do at this point, my front bumper is damaged due to a dumb ass driver, I didn’t do a police report cause I didn’t think it was that serious, never had this issue before in fender benders… what do yall suggest? Small claims court? He even admitted fault at the scene, I have pictures of him, his truck, and his ID. I’m not sure what I can do that is crazy to me basically he did a hit and run on me smh and all his insurance is saying is they cannot get in contact with him…. I need my front bumper fixed!

    What should I do? Tesla insured driver hit me 2 months ago and never returned their call, now my claim is denied
    byu/Previous-Run5097 inInsurance

    Posted by Previous-Run5097


    1. file the claim with your own insurance if you have collision otherwise yes your only option will be the court system.

    2. It’s likely his insurer has issued a coverage denial to their policyholder for not complying with the terms of the policy by cooperating with their investigation. They couldn’t even get to a liability investigation without speaking to their insured. So they are not saying you are at fault here.

      If you have uninsured motorist coverage on your own policy, I would present a copy of their denial letter to your insurance company. Other than using any coverages on your own policy (like uninsured motorist coverage or collision), the only other option would be to take that person to court.

      Getting served with court paperwork makes people want to urgently speak to their insurance company all of a sudden. Sorry it’s been such a hassle for you.

    3. How is your front bumper damaged from a rear end collision? Call your insurance company and let them work it out.

    4. Not your fault that they’re denying coverage due to not being able to speak to their insured. This is normal procedure and your insurance would do the same if you weren’t responding to them. They owe nothing to you until they speak to their insured. I would dol this through your own insurance provided you have collision coverage.

    5. Remember that you are always going after the other driver/owner, not the insurance company. The insurance company steps in on behalf of the driver/owner. Go after the driver!

    6. How did your front bumper get damaged if you were rear ended????

      No company will accept liability without talking to their client first. I’m betting you wouldn’t be happy if your insurance paid out a claim against you based solely on the other party’s statement without even talking to you to get your version of events. Their insurance owes you nothing at this point since you’re not their client. Anything they would do for you at this point is totally voluntary. 

      Either file a claim on your insurance is you have collision, easiest solution, or sue the driver as that often spurs them to cooperate. 

    7. This whole thing is confusing.
      The f-250 driver is insured by Tesla?
      He rear ended you and your front bumper is damaged?
      If you clarify people might be able to provide some advise.

    8. It’s time to go to your insurance and file a claim, at that point they can deal with the other persons insurance. If they find you not at fault your rates should not go up.

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