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    Investing in gold now – 2018
    What is moving gold prices up!
    What can happen to gold in the short to medium term!
    How to use gold as a hedge in this environment!

    What is moving gold prices up!
    When interest rates go up, gold, as a non-yielding asset is supposed to go down but we have see nothing of that in the last 12 months. Gold prices are up almost 10% over the last 12 months.
    The reasons behind gold’s strength lie in President Trump’s hard line new staff like John Bolton might lead to new issues with Iran as things with North Korea might be easing. Further, despite what is hopefully just news noise as I don’t like wars something more fundamental might be driving some players to increase their positions in a safe haven like gold.
    Higher interest rates don’t only mean higher returns on Treasuries as the same higher returns increase the burned on all those in debt. Therefore, some are already positioning themselves to an economic slowdown that might get triggered by higher interest rates.
    Given that U.S. deficits continue to get larger and higher interest certainly don’t aid, foreign investors have starter to stir a bit away from U.S. denominated debt.

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