Can we see the trade history that caused this graph?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)
Misaka9615 on
Why would you buy puts for no reason?
Zealousideal-Ad-2546 on
Everyone did, just spread between days harder is what I’ve learned and don’t underestimate the uvix and spxs as a vehicle to stability if very cautiously used.
delicious_oppai on
Why buy 0 DTE if you can’t keep an eye on it? And in case you had to step away, you should have set a very tight stop loss.
Accomplished_Dot9815 on
If it’s 0dte and you’re full porting you better be able to stare at your screen the whole time
BrownWolf77 on
Today was a bad day to trade lol
BrownWolf77 on
Try 1DTE instead bro
Gothams_Bat on
Don’t worry bro I lost double this today on calls 😭 used remaining money on spy calls expiring tomorrow. Are you just holding cash or any new positions for tomoro
CheckYourEgoSon on
I’ve found if I ask my self is now a good time to exit, it usually is.
iGotPureCocaine on
You still got 620 to do option yolo it all in 570c at open tomorrow not (financial advice) in playing but for real you could recover but if you going be working don’t trade
LowMathematician2930 on
Let me guess, you invested in some shit company short term someone in this trash Reddit said they bought the “dip”.
Imaginary_Eye_8349 on
Time to quit 9-5 and break even like me 🤣
Puts are hard in up trend. 0dte not worth it. Miss out on gap gains
TRJ3D1 on
Full port 0dtes at 1255pm or 150pm .15 cent 1 dollars otm spy contracts sell for .20 limit 30 min timeframe. Fib level peak back to near vwap or macd d sign and ma cross with doji. Happens so fast but have hit 60% 50% or more times still paper trading to test but have been watching this execution
NeverJustaDream on
No worries my man. All the greats have blown up accounts, you’re not even close yet on this one
themoneyballman on
You’re more than cooked, you’re flatlined dead.
JazzlikeGap2987 on
What should i put my last $10 into tomorrow
LowCryptographer9047 on
Typical 0dte trader.
jitheshani on
I once slept past 4 P.M after buying 0DTEs. Woke up at 4:10 to a 2K loss.
MakeResonableChoices on
Dang bro, today was tough and I’ve been clapped before just like this and still here trying to get back up
MakeResonableChoices on
Dang bro, today was tough and I’ve been clapped before just like this and still here trying to get back up
Ashamed-of-my-shelf on
And you still have more money than most of the people here
BillyBrainlet on
1. Never average down.
2. Using mental stops is fucking mental.
Consider it an expensive lesson.
This is funny for us, but I do actually wish you the best of luck.
Godspeed, regard.
Can we see the trade history that caused this graph?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)
Why would you buy puts for no reason?
Everyone did, just spread between days harder is what I’ve learned and don’t underestimate the uvix and spxs as a vehicle to stability if very cautiously used.
Why buy 0 DTE if you can’t keep an eye on it? And in case you had to step away, you should have set a very tight stop loss.
If it’s 0dte and you’re full porting you better be able to stare at your screen the whole time
Today was a bad day to trade lol
Try 1DTE instead bro
Don’t worry bro I lost double this today on calls 😭 used remaining money on spy calls expiring tomorrow. Are you just holding cash or any new positions for tomoro
I’ve found if I ask my self is now a good time to exit, it usually is.
You still got 620 to do option yolo it all in 570c at open tomorrow not (financial advice) in playing but for real you could recover but if you going be working don’t trade
Let me guess, you invested in some shit company short term someone in this trash Reddit said they bought the “dip”.
Time to quit 9-5 and break even like me 🤣
Puts are hard in up trend. 0dte not worth it. Miss out on gap gains
Full port 0dtes at 1255pm or 150pm .15 cent 1 dollars otm spy contracts sell for .20 limit 30 min timeframe. Fib level peak back to near vwap or macd d sign and ma cross with doji. Happens so fast but have hit 60% 50% or more times still paper trading to test but have been watching this execution
No worries my man. All the greats have blown up accounts, you’re not even close yet on this one
You’re more than cooked, you’re flatlined dead.
What should i put my last $10 into tomorrow
Typical 0dte trader.
I once slept past 4 P.M after buying 0DTEs. Woke up at 4:10 to a 2K loss.
Dang bro, today was tough and I’ve been clapped before just like this and still here trying to get back up
Dang bro, today was tough and I’ve been clapped before just like this and still here trying to get back up
And you still have more money than most of the people here
1. Never average down.
2. Using mental stops is fucking mental.
Consider it an expensive lesson.
This is funny for us, but I do actually wish you the best of luck.
Godspeed, regard.
Here you go.
I wish you all the best of luck in the future and I hope this helps.