I’ve started shorting (put options) when it was at $20. Holding until it becomes a penny stock

    What are your bets? Premiums are high but worth it imo

    Prediction: $DJT will become a penny stock by December
    byu/Ok_Bodybuilder_2384 inoptions

    Posted by Ok_Bodybuilder_2384


    1. Going long on directional trades is hard: even if you get the direction right, premium and theta could wipe that out. You’re long puts, so price will constant decay. DJT has very very high IV. Maybe some theta play would work? Sell ICs? Sell puts and calls, try to maintain delta neutral or slightly negative if you’re bearish and just profit on the IV premium.

      I don’t think it will be a penny stock by December. Their cash on hand is enough to keep it over a dollar even at their current burn rate. Add in meme/yolo/hodlers, the price might become untethered and drift like it has been. That’s why a medium term delta neutral strategy might be interesting. But it will pop up over the election, so you’ll have to carefully manage that IC.

      EDIT: to clarify, I think it will be single digits by December, just not pennies.

    2. I feel like it’s going to get pumped before the election than dump to the core of the earth after

    3. It should go to zero by January, but it’s pretty much a meme stock. Trump could convince some wealthy supporters to prop up the price, so I just don’t trust it not to do something nuts.

    4. Often when it feels too easy it is…

      It’s probably riskier than you’d think.

      The cost to borrow is absurd I think so maybe that prevents a squeeze but I wouldn’t rule it out.

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